Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Nursery rhymes for our times

by Larry Geller

Composed while doing the lunch dishes:


Mary had a lot of data
She was an NSA spy for real.
So everywhere that Mary went,
her computer helped her steal.
It sucked up data from every source,
which she thought was against the rules.
That made her bosses laugh and say,
Our laws are only for fools.


Little Miss Muffet, her smartphone beside her,
tucked into her curds and whey.
When along came that spider, but how did he find ‘er?
Booze Allen gave her position away.


Little Jack Horner
sat in the corner,
Earphones clamped on his head.
He turned the drone left
He turned the drone right
With his joystick he killed them all dead.


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