Sunday, February 03, 2013


Introducing a new GMO strain is the same as introducing an invasive species—support HB97

by Larry Geller

Why is it that Hawaii discourages the introduction of invasive species but lets scientists test out whatever new organism they may create without considering the environmental or health impacts?

A simplistic example, of course, is GMO corn. On the continent, pollen drift from GMO corn fields has invaded adjoining corn crops and introduced GMO genes into them, destroying their value as organic crops, for example. And then Monsanto has filed suit against the affected farmers! Monsanto is here, with their corn. Hawaii is a great place to grow the stuff.

I’m not sure why that corn isn’t considered an invasive species and regulated as such.

Anyway, please click right over to Gary Hooser’s blog to read his article, Testimony on HB97 New GMO – Permit Required (Gary Hooser’s Blog, 2/3/2013). HB97 won’t stop GMO corn that’s already here, but it could stop something new from being introduced unregulated.

In part, Hooser writes:

On Kauai there are presently 4 major companies engaged in the importation, introduction and/or development and propagation of genetically modified organisms.  These companies utilize over 12,000 acres for their industrial farming operations focused on the development of transgenic crops, 80% of which are not intended for human consumption.  Much of the land in which this activity occurs is in close proximity to the homes of residents and along sensitive coastal areas.  The impacts from these industrial farming operations on local residents and on Hawaii’s environment has never been properly studied or evaluated.  No one really knows the totality of what is being grown or what is being sprayed into the air, onto the soil or what is being washed into our streams and water systems.

He also lists four specific events that may indicate pesticide poisoning resulting from the production of GMO crops.

You can still submit testimony on this bill, HB97, by clicking on this link. It’s easy. If you care about this issue, please click and say something.


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