Saturday, October 06, 2012


Must read: Birth Of The Public Land Development Corporation - A travesty of the legislative process

Gary Hooser left this comment on this morning’s article on the PLDC rallies scheduled for today. It’s a must-read on how this organization came to be, and on the integrity (or lack thereof) of Hawaii’s legislative process.

Birth Of The Public Land Development Corporation - A travesty of the legislative process

In case you or others are interested, I wrote what I believe is a concise and easy to understand 4 point legislative history and have posted it here:

Summary: The public only had one opportunity to testify on the most egregious amendments and were given less than 2 hours public notice to do so. G. Hooser


So very grateful to a small handful of courageous state politicians with integrity, like Gary Hooser. The authentic champions shine brilliantly in the sewer pit of lackeys and bootlickers.
Stay true to the people - it's a far better pay-off for everyone. You are lucky, Kaua'i.


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