Saturday, August 04, 2012
Archbishop Tutu’s message seemed designed for our state and city government
by Larry Geller
I won’t try to snip from or paraphrase the Archbishop Desmond Tutu talk that just concluded—at least not yet, until after I have a chance to listen again to my recording. And yes, I recognize that each listener might take away something different from his talk. Here’s my quick reaction.
I was wondering if the Governor, the Mayor or any members of the Honolulu City Council were present in St. Andrew’s to hear Tutu’s address.
Over and over he stressed our responsibility to feed and care for the poor. He started from the Bible describing how we each are created in God’s image, then developed his case for respecting each person, and noting that food and clothing do not come down from heaven. It’s for us to provide for each other.
Towards the end of his talk he also mentioned Occupy Wall Street in the context of a kind of revolution.
Ok, I’m getting into paraphrase already… but Gov, if you were there, please rethink your admonishment that we should not feed the houseless in our parks. Mayor, if you were there, please stop taking away the possessions of those who have to live on Honolulu’s sidewalks and think about how you can take up Archbishop Tutu’s challenge to end hunger and poverty. Taking away is clearly a losing strategy if you share his concern for each and every human being.
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