Sunday, November 07, 2010


Osama bin Laden isn’t responsible for What??? OMG

"The explicit and declared motive of the [Afghanistan] war was to compel the Taliban to turn over to the United States, the people who they accused of having been involved in World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist acts. The Taliban…they requested evidence…and the Bush administration refused to provide any," the 81-year-old senior academic made the remarks on Press TV's program a Simple Question.

"We later discovered one of the reasons why they did not bring evidence: they did not have any."—Noam Chomsky

by Larry Geller

So…  so… now what? Osama bin Laden did not mastermind 9/11? The next thing you’ll tell me is that George Washington never chopped down that cherry tree.

Look, everyone knows Osama bin Ladin and Al-Qaeda did it, and that’s the reason we are at war in Afghanistan.

After all, President George W. Bush said so.

… uh, oh.

Check out: Noam Chomsky: No Evidence that Al-Qaeda Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks (Washington’s Blog, 11/5/2010).

Here’s the video from that page (click the thingy in the lower right for full-screen):

Why do we believe what politicians tell us, anyway?

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