Monday, June 21, 2010


Is US trying to provoke war with Iran? US warships moved to Red Sea

by Larry Geller

Are American and Israeli warships floating around in the Red Sea for a little sightseeing or R&R? Not likely. And what does Congress know about this maneuver, which may lead us into an expanded war in the mid-East?

Israel National News is reporting :

Egypt allowed at least one Israeli and 11 American warships to pass through the Suez Canal as an Iranian flotilla approaches Gaza.

What should we make of the fact that 11 U.S. warships and an Israeli warship are sailing up the Suez Canal on their way to the Red Sea?

This is - on the surface - a faceoff over Iran's support for relief ships trying to sail into Gaza. Specifically, Iran has said it will have Iranian military ships escort the flotilla providing humanitarian goods to Gaza to make sure it arrives safely. On the other hand, the U.S. has backed Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Tensions are obviously high between the U.S. and Israel, on the one hand, and Iran on the other. The U.S. and Israel have talked for years of bombing Iran's nuclear sites.   [Washington's Blog, Showdown in the Red Sea: U.S. Sends 11 Warships to Confront Iran, 6/20/2010]

The article is very worth reading in its entirety, please click over to understand what may be happening in the Red Sea before we read about a new war in our daily papers.

This could quickly lead to a real confrontation. This is especially true because warships from hostile nations could be in very close quarters, and one mistake (such as accidentally bumping into a foreign ship) could unintentionally lead to war.

The article also has extensive discussion on false-flag attacks, including five examples admitted false-flag attacks. Nor are they a matter of distant history. Was the alleged torpedo attack on a South Korean warship really carried out by North Korea? They have denied it, but it could just be another of many false-flag attacks since it was perfectly timed so that Japan announced it would not close its bases on Okinawa. If not carried out by North Korea, than by whom?

…if any elements within the U.S. or Israeli government wish to find an excuse to attack Iran, they could either manufacture false intelligence or carry out a false flag attack.

Update: This just in:

Iran has backed down for the second time in two weeks on the attempt to launch two ships to Gaza, two days after the United States and Israel sent a dozen warships through the Suez Canal and towards a possible confrontation.  

The American government also had called on Egypt not to allow the Iranian ships to enter the Suez Canal.

Egypt on Saturday allowed 11 U.S. warships, led by the aircraft carrier USS Truman, and one Israeli ship to pass through the Suez Canal after it closed it to all other boats to ensure a safe and quiet passage for the armada.

It was the largest fleet of warships to sail through the Suez Canal in years, prompting speculation that they were preparing to challenge any Iranian attempt to reach Gaza.   [Arutz Sheva, Iran Backs Down again, ‘Indefinite’ Postponement of Ship to Gaza, 6/21/2010]

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