Sunday, June 27, 2010


Brad Blog: a definitive guide on why U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman should be impeached

by Larry Geller

Depending on what day you read what news story, Judge Martin Feldman, who lifted the moratorium (such as it was) against off-shore drilling, did or did not have a conflict of interest due to oil company investments he held and some time.

For the latest, pointing more strongly than ever towards both staying his ruling and working for his impeachment, check out Brad Friedman’s wrapup article, Case for Impeachment of Judge Martin Feldman Strengthened by New Details on Oil Firm Holdings: New evidence reveals willful failure to recuse from oil drilling moratorium case despite full knowledge of conflicts-of-interest... (6/26/2010).

The case for unseating the federal judge has grown still stronger at week's end, with new disclosures of his investments in the off shore oil drilling industry and what appears to be a very conscious decision to remain on the case despite them.

Check the full article for details of the judge’s holdings in BlackRock, by far BP’s biggest stockholder, and the relationship between his holdings in Ocean Energy and its relationship to Transocean, the operator of the BP oil rig that exploded.


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