Saturday, May 01, 2010
Someone mention to Obama that off-shore drilling is a bad idea, here’s one more reason—hurricanes are coming
by Larry Geller
Why is no one else writing about this?
…In 2007, recall, the first storm of the season was Tropical Storm Andrea, which reached a size strong enough to merit a name on May 7, just a week later than today.
Why does this matter? Because any attempt to use booms or chemicals keep the oil away from the Gulf Coast would be completely impossible in the event of a major storm entering the Gulf. The combination of high winds, storm surges and high waves would push the oil slick way inland up the bayous and onto the shelter islands that protect 40 percent of America's wetlands.
It could do worse, too. The strong winds in hurricanes, sweeping across the surging waves they have created, such up a considerable amount of surface water and blow it inland. This time, however, those winds could also end up picking up a considerable amount of the oil slick floating on the sea's surface, which would be deposited as rain well inland, damaging croplands and forests, too. [, Uh-Oh: Hurricane Season and the BP Oil Rig Disaster, 4/30/2010]
Environmentalists might consider a full court press on the Prez to reverse his stand on off-shore oil drilling. We need conservation, not national disasters.
That oil well could be spouting its 5,000 daily barrels of crude oil even as the first storms form and head its way.
Hmmmm. No wonder neither BP nor the government is talking about hurricanes.
They really don't have much they can do except cross their fingers.
The idea that the president's expanded offshore drilling plan is still on the table is simply appalling.
(Thanks to Viviane Lerner for pointer to this story)
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