Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Microsoft hohm knows things about where you live??
by Larry Geller
This is a beta application that is supposed to help homeowners save energy. Hawaii already comes in tops in the country on average. But it is supposed to know all kinds of things about your home already. Like when it was built, size, number of bathrooms, etc.
There’s nothing private anymore.
It got the info wrong for the house we lived in before moving to the condo.
Check it out. You just find your house on the map and double-click on it, then look below. Or learn how many bathrooms your neighbors have, and approximately how much they spend on energy costs each year.
More explanation is here.
Imagine if this data got mixed up with Facebook data got mixed up with… the day will come. Somebody will put it all together for each of us.
They are simply cross-referencing public domain data. Anyone can look up such data, but usually have to have a TMK number, also publicly available.
History of buy/sell prices, taxes, permits, etc. All there.
I knew that, but I still found it interesting that the data is now so readily available.
Now, if they are using public data, how come they got the info wrong on where I used to live? Yes, I know the answer, it's probably wrong in the public record.
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