Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Somebody at the Office of Elections files some kind of report, go figure it out
by Larry Geller
Well, they are having hard time, maybe we should just be grateful that their computer still works.
You can find some kind of report posted today on the Office of Elections web page at Report to the Legislature - Office of Elections Budget Provisions. It’s not on letterhead, is undated and unsigned, does not say what legislative requirements it is supposed to satisfy, has no clear ending (well, that’s a quibble, inside it says that there is an Addendum, so where that begins I guess the report is already over). I can’t tell who wrote it or to whom I might direct any questions.
And for those who care, it is a scanned document, not accessible to screen readers used by the blind or those with visual impairments. Over on the right side of their web page is says that they do comply with Section 508 requirements, and indeed the state is required to comply.
Most organizations file a report that is a lot better constructed than this one.
It’s not for a mere blogger to say whether this report meets the requirements that the Legislature has set. It looks a bit hasty to me, and so a bit disrespectful. I do have sympathy for their situation, though.
Remember that the Governor cut their budget 94%. Maybe this is what happens when a governor does that.
It looks like the 2010 elections will be a total mess and that there is a high possibility that people will not know where to vote.
Why should Lingle care?
If cheat machines make it through, all the better for republicans because thatʻs the only way they ever win.
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