Saturday, April 04, 2009


Wack-a-Mole at the Legislature—bill mysteriously dropped from the agenda

by Larry Geller

No sooner did I write that HB128 was discovered to have the $25,000 corporate contribution limit in it (see preceding article), when it was deleted from the agenda! Here’s the new agenda:


Wack-A-Mole at the Hawaii State Legislature Wack-A-Mole for sure! Hit one, it’s gone. Now we have to look for where it will pop up next. (The entire document was snatched from the Capitol website, but if you would like a copy, the evidence is here, all 96 pages of it.)

Did they read my article (“Shucks, busted!”)? Possibly, but I’ll never know.

Ok, folks, don’t turn your back on the State Capitol. We need everyone to be vigilant. If you catch corporate campaign money hiding in any bill, please let me know.

Send your info or leaks to:


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