Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Calling the media on how they cover the financial crisis

by Larry Geller

The commercial media will tell you whether the stock market went up or down on news that Obama did this or that, or that the Dow plunged when the Yankees lost, or whatever. They cry when Wall Street cries. But what about the rest of us? How come stories of ordinary people suffering at the hands of these rich financiers don’t make the news?

Danny Schechter, the News Dissector, ran into a CNBC crew trying to get people to comment on the financial crisis. His rant about CNBC got videoed by CNBC and a few seconds were actually broadcast. Here’s a video of the confrontation.

Danny has moved to a blog format for his commentaries. You can still subscribe to have them delivered to your email box. He now uses videos and relevant cartoons. Check out his website. They are always in need of support, by the way.


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