Friday, December 26, 2008


Free medical care, Viagra for Afghan warlords and their families, but US citizens left without

by Larry Geller

Maybe if I grew a beard I could pass… that is, claim I’m a distant relative of an Afghan chieftain and ask for free medical care. Oh, I suppose they’d find out I’m an American. Americans don’t get free medical care.

In their efforts to win over notoriously fickle warlords and chieftains, the [US intelligence] officials say, the agency's operatives have used a variety of personal services. These include pocketknives and tools, medicine or surgeries for ailing family members, toys and school equipment, tooth extractions, travel visas, and, occasionally, pharmaceutical enhancements for aging patriarchs with slumping libidos, the officials said. [Washington Post, Little Blue Pills Among the Ways CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan, 12/26/2008]

(hat tip to ever vigilant Viviane Lerner for discovering this)


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