Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Congress needs to fix things for us, please make sure they know it

by Larry Geller

You know that the Senate is poised to pass a version of the bailout bill any moment. Have they come to check with us the way they checked with the banks and finance companies, to see if we like the plan? No, of course not.

We need a plan that benefits everyone. So your phone calls are still important.

Mike's Rescue Plan Michael Moore seems to have influence. He crashed the servers of the site he sent people to yesterday, to find out their congresspeople’s phone numbers.

Check out his rescue plan, posted today. Will Congress listen to Michael Moore? Of course not. But they will listen to phone calls, because they want to get re-elected. It’s clear that people are putting pressure on them, and that it seems to be working. The election is just around the corner, and the House is running scared.

We don’t want to crash the servers again, all of us Disappeared News readers, do we? (I can dream…) So please go to the bottom of this article for the list of phone numbers. Please let Sen. Akaka and Sen. Inouye know how you would like them to vote.



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