Thursday, September 25, 2008


Brooklyn cops tase and kill a mentally ill man

by Larry Geller

“His mother called 911,” said Sharonnie Perry, a community advocate who lives down the street. “She called for assistance and the assistance she got was her son being killed.”
New York Times, Brooklyn Man Dies After Police Use a Taser Gun, 9/24/2008

This man was no threat to the police. He was obviously mentally ill and (as it turned out, off his meds).

The cops had Tasers. They used one on him. He’s dead. See pics in this story:

Police fired a Taser at a naked Brooklyn man armed with only a fluorescent light tube yesterday, sending him falling to his death from a second-floor ledge after he went on a 40-minute rant.

Iman Morales' mom begged cops not to hurt her son, telling them he's sick - then watched in horror as he plunged from the top of the roll-down gate on which he'd been perched.

An Emergency Services officer, acting on the orders of his boss, fired at the 35-year-old man at around 2 p.m., as he waved the 8-foot fluorescent light tube, police sources said. [New York Post, Cops in nude taser slay, 9/24/2008]

According to an eyewitness report aired on radio station WBAI this evening, police at the top of the building were preparing to let down the fire escape ladder to the street so that the man could continue walking downwards. But then the police on the sidewalk tased him.

There will be an investigation, and predictably, no cop will be convicted of anything.

I’m still hoping to get the video of Honolulu police tasing a man with possible mental health issues. We either pay attention to each situation or the police will be more and more casual with the use of these weapons. And yes, they can kill, either from the jolt of electricity itself, or from a fall, as apparently in the Brooklyn situation.

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It's so bizarre that they would taser the guy, as it seems people almost always fall down when they are shocked. What could they have been thinking? And apparently while the cops acknowledge that it didn't follow procedure, no one will be disciplined, according to Democracy Now

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