Saturday, August 30, 2008


Honolulu Weekly--great new look

by Larry Geller

If I've been critical of the Honolulu Weekly, I need also to heap praise when I'm pleased.

Last week a new look surprised me when I made my Wednesday pilgrimage to the newspaper rack. The venerable "splash" front page was gone, replaced by a more conventional newspaper format:

Weekly New Look

This really clicks for a couple of reasons. First, it's attractive enough and very functional. But most important in this era of shrinking newspapers is that it gives the paper more space for a cover story. And this one is well written.

I'm curious to see where the Weekly will go with its facelift. The art was nice, but if space for alternative news is limited, making the most of space available sounds like a good move to me.


Hey, that does look good. I'll have to seek one out. Haven't picked up a Honolulu Weekly for months now.

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