Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Following airport delays

by Larry Geller


I thought I would share a useful website with you.

Today CNN announced flight delays due to a computer problem in Atlanta. I’m not flying, but I was wondering if there was a way that people could easily tell what’s happening with that. So I visited my favorite airplane states site, flightstats.com, and sure enough, they have a Google mashup showing flight delays right there. And no delays shown except on the East Coast.

But this is really just an excuse to let you know about this handy site. I use it when I have to pick someone up at the airport. You can put in their flight, and it will send messages to your cellphone.

So I get a message enough ahead of the flight arrival that I figure it’s about time to think about going to the car. Then, while waiting someplace near the airport, it lets me know the flight is in. That’s a cool service.

You can put your own flight in and I think it is supposed to let you know if there will be significant delays before it leaves. I did that, but there were no delays, so I couldn’t test it out.


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