Thursday, August 07, 2008


Essence of Hawaii

by Larry Geller

Big protest over on Kauai, where a developer is desecrating a graveyard with 48 burials by building a house on top of the remains.

It rained, and Palikapu [Dedman] invited the cops to come under the tarp that protected a picnic table from the elements. “Come inside, we’re not enemies,” Palikapu said. “No, none of us are enemies,” a cop replied, smiling, and he joined the protestors under the tarp. [Stand-Off Ends in Stand Down at Naue, KauaiEclectic, 8/7/2008]

Remember Seattle? Remember mass arrests at national party conventions?

Yes, today’s protestors came prepared to be arrested. Instead, they shared their tent with the cops.

Only in Hawaii, I think, and it’s something I hope is never lost.

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