Thursday, May 08, 2008


Lucky live Oahu

by Larry Geller

Kauai is a beautiful place, and the people are the best. I love the Big Island and particularly the volcano. Never been to Molokai, and Maui is ok.

But Oahu is for me. Here's one example of why (snippet):

Monks to perform ritual at extended 'Dragon's Gift' exhibit

Advertiser Staff

"The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan" exhibit will remain open at the Honolulu Academy of Arts for an extra weekend this month, during which monks will perform a special ritual.

After consulting with Lopon Ugyen Dorji, principal of Pangrizampa Temple in Thimphu district and the foremost astrologer in Bhutan, the Honolulu Academy of Arts obtained permission to extend the closing from May 23 to May 25.

"In consideration of the importance and popularity of the exhibition, we wanted to give visitors a last weekend to be able to see "The Dragon's Gift," Academy of Arts director Stephen Little said in a news release.

To mark the closing, the five monks in residence will today start a sand mandala, which according to custom is consecrated then dispersed. On May 24, the monks will perform a ritual at 10 a.m. and will give small bags of sand from the mandala to visitors, before dispersing the colorful sand at an as yet to be announced location....[Honolulu Advertiser, 5/8/2008]

We have the museums, the art... it's not New York City, but it has many of the things I like.



Its funny because I was over in Honolulu last weekend. Honolulu does have a lot of the elements of urban that is lacking on the neighbor islands. That being said, it definitely isn't Hong Kong or Manila. So, I go to Honolulu to see friends and plead with legislators and go to HK or Manila for the urban life.

Funny you mention HK. I am just looking at a picture of the HK waterfront, all those buildings, and a picture that ran in the Advertiser a couple of weeks ago of the Kakaako waterfront with proposed new buildings.

About the only difference is a Chinese junk in the water.

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