Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Wal-Mart drops suit against Shank family

by Larry Geller

Keith Olbermann said he would pound Wal-Mart every night until they caved. He pounded, every night, and today they caved (see video below).

Every day more newspapers across the country picked up the story of what he is doing and, of course, the plight of the family.

In a nutshell, Debbie Shank, a 52-year-old mother of three, suffered severe brain damage in a traffic accident. She won a $417,000 settlement, which the family set aside in a trust for her future medical expenses. Wal-Mart sued the family for $470,000 to reimburse the company for every cent it had paid for Debbie's medical bills because of a clause in her medical insurance contract, and they won.

Wal-Mart, with billions in profits, did not need to sue the Shank family, but they did. To top it off, Debbie's son was killed in Iraq. Although she attended his funeral, she asks about him every day, and weeps when she hears the news.

Tonight Olbermann asks how Wal-Mart will compensate the family for all of the legal torture. Jim Shank will appear on tomorrow's Countdown. Don't miss it.

Here are some emails to try if you would like to express thanks to Olbermann after viewing the videos below:


Today's Countdown:



This is such a wonderful example of media activism. I hope Olbermann gets awards for this.

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