Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Senators vote to enrich themselves with corporate money

by Larry Geller

StopTheTsunami SB2204, which opens the tsunami of corporate contributions to our lawmakers, passed in the Senate this morning.

Only seven senators did the right thing and voted against the bill. They are:

Senator(s) Gabbard, Hee, Hemmings, Ihara, Inouye, Slom, and Trimble.

The bill now crosses over to the House.

Although the companion bill died over there, this is a new ballgame. Expect the temptation of corporate money to cloud the minds of those who rejected the earlier House bill.

If this is to be stopped, it will take a lot more work to do that.



I guess the corporate dollar is so strong that that is why Josh Green deferred the aspartame bill in his committee. Imagine, an MD not wanting to push a bill through that would take a chemical poison out of Hawaii's food supply. Now how sick is that? Josephine

If we disallowed corporate contributions, as 22 other states and the federal government do, we might be able to get the attention of our legislators a bit more easily.

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