Monday, March 10, 2008


Fired Big Island reporters win labor dispute against paper

by Larry Geller

There's nothing on his blog yet but Hunter Bishop and another Hawaii Tribune-Herald reporter have won their jobs back in court. The order also prevents the newspaper from interfering with  protected union activities.

The Advertiser has a breaking news item, Hilo reporters fired illegally, judge rules, with details of the decision. It looks like complete vindication for the reporters, who will also be given their back pay.

HILO, Hawai'i — A judge for the National Labor Relations Board has found the Hawaii Tribune-Herald newspaper guilty of violations of federal labor law in the firing of a longtime reporter in 2005, and another in 2006.

The 41-page ruling by administrative Judge John J. McCarrick found the Tribune-Herald management illegally suspended and fired reporters Dave Smith and Hunter Bishop, and illegally suspended reporter Peter Sur for engaging in union activism protected under federal law.

Until there's something on the blog, check out the story above for details.


Woo hoo! Good for them! I just don't understand why they were fired in the first place. I guess I just have a bad habit of thinking businesses (especially the newsie kind)should actually know the laws that govern employment. Silly me. Why they didn't research it before passing out walking papers? Actually, I'm glad they didn't -- they might have found another fictitious reasons to fire them. Ha ha! Obviously I'm not very trusting. Thanks for sharing the news!

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