Saturday, March 01, 2008


Action Alert: stop tsunami of corporate money in Hawaii

The campaign to prevent limits from being taken Stop The Tsunami of Corporate Contributionsoff of corporate contributions is gaining lots of momentum (no, Obama doesn't have the word patented). There was a great editorial in this morning's Star-Bulletin, Corporate lid on contributions should be maintained. It reminds us

Corporations are not protected by the First Amendment in amounts they can contribute to campaigns. Congress has banned corporate contributions in federal elections since 1907 and included labor unions in its prohibition in the 1940s. Corporate contributions are against the law in 22 states.

It's a mystery to me why Senate president Colleen Hanabusa would introduce a bill like this one. Holding out the tin cup for corporate contributions so visibly isn't the best thing to do in an election year. Isn't it a bad thing for Democrats to admit they need even more corporate lucre? Won't people notice who is voting to increase their corporate take?

Why should we let corporate influence in Hawaii grow even larger than it already is?? Instead, let's ban corporate contributions as 22 other states do.

There's a website to help coordinate the wave of opposition that's growing and growing. Please go there and check it out. With your help, this evil bill can be turned around.

The House bill appears dead already, so efforts are focusing on the Senate bill.

Here's what you can do--please act now!

This Tuesday March 4, the Senate will vote on SB2204, which includes a number of campaign finance issues including lifting the corporate cap. Please contact your senator and ask them to amend SB2204 and BAN corporate donations to candidates!

You can send one email to all senators if you prefer. Just send to

It's better if you email or contact your own senator, and be sure to say you're a constituent. In an email or fax, give your address. It seems to make a difference. It makes your voice louder.

You can write anything you like. Mention the bill, and say something in your own words about banning corporate donations to candidates. Tell them what you think. A few words is ok.

This is really important, please do it.

Ok, (and thank you!), now you can do some other things if you like.

There's an on-line petition at: .

You can take the same email you sent to your senator and turn it into a letter to the editor! Those can be sent to and to .

There are more resources for you here.

It's because lots of people helped that the House bill was stopped. Your emails, phone calls or faxes can help ban corporate contributions entirely in Hawaii. Now's the time. Tuesday's the vote. Today's the day you can send your email.

Thanks very much!!


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