Friday, February 22, 2008


Barf-o-Meter on Radio New Zealand today

by Larry Geller

Maui researcher Brad Parsons was interviewed this afternoon as part of a Radio New Zealand feature on sea sickness. The program isn't on-line yet, but you can hear the short interview with Brad here.

So let's not say that Hawaii's experience with a large capacity passenger ferry has been a complete waste. Its few trips have contributed to the base of scientific knowledge on sea sickness.

For the first time there is research that may help predict whether a person is likely to have a good or bad experience—before they set foot on the ship.


I'd like to barf o meter on all this supper ferry bull---t I just shipped my f350 pickup Honolulu Hilo at only $ 587.23 same truck to Maui by HSF is 95.00 plus 37% fuel surcharge. I was told by YB this new cjarge is cause of HSF

Barf on all you protesters

I wonder if, with the election season coming up, Brad can adapt the Barf-o-Meter for use with the candidates

The whole program can be listened to at:

I was a little disappointed in the editing, mixing up answers to different questions and leaving in some of the least significant points and leaving out some of the most poinient points.

About anonymous' point. Young Brothers is having to cover its costs. HSF is subsidized and not even covering its fuel costs...of course its prices are lower but that is not something that can be sustained nor something that state government should subsidize to the detriment of the free market. Neocon's do believe in the free market, don't they?

Aloha, Brad

Hey anonymous...Sure you could send your truck at a lower rate on the stupidferry--but when would it get there? Oahu to Hilo service isn't supposed to begin for at the very least another year--if ever. And who exactly at YB said "this" was caused by "protesters"?

I was wondering how a YB rate to the Big Island related to a promotional rate on the Superferry to Maui.

I do understand the desire for competition, and the Superferry would do that, but so far it has not been so well thought out (IMHO) that it is sure to be a success. In other words, as prior commenter suggested, we don't know if will be viable long enough even to get to the Big Island.

If Superferry management is to be believed, they need an awful lot of money to continue operation. They're not getting it yet, so who knows what the future holds. I guess they could give up on Maui/Kauai and shift to the Big Island sooner, if that makes sense, but who knows what makes sense.

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