Saturday, December 01, 2007


Protests begin on Maui against the Superferry

Citizen journalist Brad Parsons has posted his pics of the protests today held in advance of the Superferry sailing, currently delayed until Thursday.

View them on his Flickr page here.

If anyone has taken or knows of other photo or video coverage, please let me know. You can put links in comments.

Since Brad spotted an Akaku cameraperson, perhaps there will be some video soon.

Stay tuned to your favorite on-line blog for instant coverage.

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An Akaku rep posted a comment on my flickr that the video will be available on on Monday. Aloha, Brad

Thanks Brad, for posting your photos and for the pointer to the Akaku video.

There's something there now on the Coast Guard security zone.

Sorry but a handful of loud mouth radicals do not a majority make...

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