Monday, November 05, 2007


Accounts differ on protest count

by Larry Geller

I found three newspaper stories on the Nawiliwili Ti Party protest Sunday. The Star-Bulletin reported a significantly lower participation than the others.

Advertiser—250 on Kauai protest Hawaii Superferry
Star-Bulletin—Opponents protest as ferry rules take shape
The Garden Island—Statewide ferry protest draws 250 here

There's also a fine commentary by Joan Conrow here.

How many people did attend? Did you? Would you like to either post your comments here, or write something longer and send it to me at larry [at] for possible posting as an article? Either news or opinion is fine. Or both, of course, blogs can handle it.

For those planning to participate in future protests, attorney Larry Sinkin has circulated some valuable advice. I suspect you already have his message if you're following Superferry events, but I don't know where it might be posted.

I'd like to add this link to the ACLU's "Know Your Rights Bust Card". Click, print, and study.

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I attended for a couple of hours and shot some pictures. At 12:30 I did a head count and counted 75 people. People continued to arrive in twos and threes for the next hour and a half that I was there. When I left at 2:00 numbers were definitely closer to 150 than 250, but it's entirely possible that a lot of people showed up before people got in the water. The pic in the Garden Island shows about 40 people in the water.

It was a pretty quiet event - certainly compared to the demonstrations that have occurred at the park recently. A lot of people knew each other and most of the time people were greeting each other and then stood talking in small groups. There was some music - a couple of people with guitars and voice. The weather was fantastic. Nice and cool and breezy.

Charley, thanks for your report!

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