Monday, October 16, 2006


FEMA can scramble when they want to: They're off to Hawaii

There's something right but not quite right about this, snipped from an Associate Press article datelined Oct. 15, 2006, 11:25 p.m.
More than 50 federal officials were en route to the Big Island to assess damage and begin recovery work, [Bob Fenton, FEMA director of response for the region] said.
I'm not sure what time zone the dateline refers to. The two quakes hit the Big Island of Hawaii at 7:07 a.m. and the second just a few minutes after. Thank goodness there was no loss of life. Evacuations of the hotels and a hospital that were damaged seem to have proceeded smoothly. For most of us not located in the damage area, the power outage was an inconvenience but not life threatening.

I repeat: no one died. There were only some minor injuries reported. Thank goodness Hawaii came through it this well.

So can it be true that 50 FEMA officials hastily packed their bags and are on their way to this prime vacation destination?

The question I (and I hope others) cannot help asking is: Dear FEMA, WHERE WERE YOU AUGUST 29, 2005 WHEN KATRINA DEVASTED NEW ORLEANS?

Please, turn around and go back to Louisiana, where your work has hardly begun. People died there and we haven't forgotten. Alright, a couple of you should come to Hawaii. But 50???


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